Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jens master to Jens disaster

Well what a mixed day i have had.

It started off this morning with quite a good time. After the first two days of Jens being really hard and no one in the group really happy with the instruction things started to improve today. We have had quite a big dumping of snow over the last two days, quite possibly the best skiing days of the year so far and we haven't been able to free ski in it!

This morning however Jens started to chill out a bit and let go - he got us skiing some awesome tracks and jumping off cat tracks - it was wicked.
Sadly however it wasn't to last and this afternoon he went a bit mental with the syncronised skiing competition we did.

I will round up quickly because the mentalness of the last 12 days or so has kicked in and time is very short, days left are limited. i am finishing this post about 6 hours after starting it.

There was a fashion show tonight for hot dog day (retro day) with some wicked clothing modelled by instructors and nonstop staff, it was hilarious - picys will follow; i seem to always say that!

Just had to pack for winter camping and is now very late - sleep deprivation is a big issue!
Will be sleeping in a snow cave on the mountain tomoz could be interesting as well as cold. will let you know. With that in mind there will defo be no post tomoz - hope to catch up with you guys again on Friday.

Speak soon