Wednesday, April 8, 2009

One Day Down, Four To Go

Apologies for not posting yesterday - time just ran out.

It was the NonStop fancy dress day and the last full day for a large number of people.

In the evening we had our farewell dinner which was a bit sad but we had a great laugh with some awards and prizes being given out. We also watched some videos and slideshows containing pics of our time here. It was amazing to see the changes and remember some of the crazy shit that has gone on. I hit bed fairly early though as i started the dreaded Level 2 today.

It was an early start to register and then get underway. The skiing conditions this morning were some of the worst i have skied since i arrived - it was like skiing on concrete!
Any how the day went by and to be honest although my style of skiing has been changed drastically again, so far it doesn't seem to be going to bad. I haven't done the teaching part yet, that is later in the week and the bit i am not looking forward to.

After a quickish tech session and a one on one with my instructor we returned home this evening to a very empty lodge. Brendan left today so i now i have a room to myself - yeah! Alot of others have left as well and it seems really wierd to be honest - like a ghost town! Any how i went out to Boston Pizza with what remains of the gang for dinner, and then came back and did my reading for course tomoz - whoop!

Laters peps.