Monday, February 2, 2009

I've been framed!

Well not alot to report today it was another day of skiing!

What wasn't a surprise was that we had no more snow over night and we had a sunny day.

The reason for the title was the fact that Tuesday is our video analysis day. So today Colleen videoed us doing some different types of turns. Yesterday we started to pole plant properly, so i wanted to get this right for the video. Sadly it all went badly wrong and while doing the short quick turns i pole planted in the wrong place and planted my face in the snow - on video!
Will have to try and get a copy for the £250 they offer on You've been Framed!

Apart from this we tried some other stuff to do with Pivoting and turning but i just could not grasp it! Better luck tomoz hopefully.

This evening i had climbing again which was great fun but bloody hard work after a hard day skiing. After that i returned home and chatted with Steve and Captain Moscow aka Ross for a bit before writing this and going to bed with a stinking cold still hanging over me and my Roomy; Brendan - hopefully it will go by tomoz (fingers crossed). Will let you know.

Laters Peps