Sunday, March 22, 2009

Castle Mountain and crapy internet

To be honest this week has been a fairly average week in terms of goings on.
The snow has been rubbish and therefore skiing hasn't been great, but as we keep being told 'you have to be able to ski all terrain in all conditions!

Yesterday was the earliest getup i have had since i have been out here; the shocking hour of 6.50am. With that i had to be on the bus by 7.15 so as i snoozed my alarm there wasn't time for breaky. The journey to Castle Mountain was fairly uneventful, its about 1h30m. I slept a large proportion of it until i woke up finding my head bashing against the window which i was lent upon.

After sorting our selves out we headed up the smaller of the two mountains to find it extremely icy and not much fun. We decided after a couple of runs to move to the larger of the two mountains to see what it was like. The snow was better - where there was snow. It was very sparse particularly towards the top of the mountain. There was so much bare rock it looked like the surface of an outer planet not a ski hill; serious navigation was required. After a couple of runs we came in for a drink followed by another run and then lunch.

Once we had satisfied our hunger needs with chilli-fries for me we hit the mountain again and decided that the snow on the big mountain was shocking (like velcro) so went back to the smaller hill and skied some runs there. We also took some pics so will upload those and the videos when the internet conection is stable enough to upload without cutting out.
At this point we decided enough was enough and hit the bar as it was baking hot and it was turning into waterskiing rather than skiing.

When Adam returned from the hospital with Louis in one piece after being crashed into we headed home. This took a little longer than getting there probably cos i remained awake for most of it taking picy's.
I was so knackered when i got back i couldn't be arsed to go out to get food so had cereal instead. The only other thing of note to happen last night was our epic Jenga game which lasted a full 40 minutes and we actually completed it - we ran out of blocks.

Today has been much more chilled in comparison. Slow start made the phone calls to the best of the canadian internet's ability and caught up with the peps, mother especially considering the day. Other than that i have surfed the net, watched a NASCAR race - silly racing, done my washing and waxed one pair of my skis. This evening we went to Rip and Richard's for dinner and had a great laugh talking about two people on course who are prolific liers and dig their holes deeper by the day until we blow it all to pieces later this week - hilarious!
That brings me to here -->.

Laters peps.